Friday, November 30, 2012

Tobacco Growing Made Easy Reveals the Secrets of Growing the Highest Quality Tobacco Affordably!

The Tobacco Growing Made Easy company has announced that it's selling the secrets of master growers of fine tobacco to the general public to allow anyone who enjoys tobacco to grow and harvest the highest quality tobacco right in their own homes or on their own property.  

Are you a tobacco lover who is tired of the silly aura of "immorality" that anti-smoking lobbyists are causing governments to draw around tobacco users and smokers so that you feel put off from going out to buy tobacco? Are you a smoker who isn't always pleased with the taste of store-bought products and is ever more suspicious of additives that the big tobacco companies may be putting into your cigarettes to get higher profit margins or cater to big government conditions? Perhaps you are outraged at the escalating price of buying tobacco products because of outrageous government taxation. If you are someone like this, then the 'Tobacco Growing Made Easy' has the answers you've been craving.

According to author Geoff Thrower, smokers and tobacco users have every right to know what's in their tobacco and they should feel no obligation whatsoever to pay extortionist-style taxes to the government if they want to make the adult choice to enjoy smoking. Thrower also insists that the additives that commercial tobacco growers put into their products are very harmful and make smoking greatly more risky to one's health than it should be. 

'Tobacco Growing Made Easy' will teach you: which seeds produce the best tobacco; how to make a sand mixture to disperse tobacco seeds; how much light you should allow for optimum results; how to water your seedlings so they don't drown; the easiest way to germinate tobacco seeds; simple techniques for producing the largest tobacco plants; hands-free maintenance allowing you to set it and forget it; the very best time for harvesting; drying and curing for maximum flavor and quality; the different types of tobacco available to you; how to choose the best seeds for the best plants; the truth about soil types and how they affect your plants; how to handle seedlings so that you do not damage them; how to avoid fungus and mold; how to produce the best leaves for cigars; why you don't need a garden or greenhouse to grow tobacco; what to do with plants that show signs of disease; how often to rotate you crop to a new location; how to 'air cure' your leaves properly for the best taste; and the different ways to smoke your home-grown tobacco.  

For the cost of just one carton of store-bought, commercially produced cigarettes, Thrower's insider secrets can be those of any tobacco lover's.  

Writes Geoff Thrower in his book of tobacco secrets: "Tobacco's scientific name is Nicotiana, and almost all commercial varieties of tobacco belong to tabacum species. The rustica varieties were used extensively by erstwhile Native Americans for purely ceremonial and religious purposes; farmers in many parts of Asia are still using the same variety...Historical chronicles suggest that tobacco has been cultivated and used on the American continent. American tribal people cherished the exotic and fragrant nicotine content of Nicotiaba tabacum and Nicotiana rustica. Wild Tobacco, like Nicotiana rustica, has about 15 times more nicotine than other varieties. Now, is it possible to grow such a legendary plant in your home garden? Yes, it is possible to grow and propagate this wonderful plant in your back yard." 

ABOUT 'Tobacco Growing Made Easy'

Tobacco Growing Made Easy (CLICK HERE TO VISIT) is an Internet based company dedicated to putting high quality, great tasting, healthier tobacco in the reach of the average smoker who is tired of the exorbitant prices of commercial tobacco products on the market today. Geoff Thrower's book comes in e-book form. 

What Goes Into Commercial Cigarettes?

For many people, cigarettes are merely something that they buy and enjoy without a second thought, but have you wondered what was in the cigarettes that you are smoking?  The truth is, there are more than 500 ingredients in commercially made cigarettes, and they will do everything from keeping the cigarette lit to producing a distinctively recognizable smell.  When you are thinking about what is really in your cigarettes, you'll find that some ingredients keep coming up time after time.

When looking at the ingredients in cigarettes, you'll find that you will see a number of chemicals that are designed to kill weeds and insects, including DDT. These chemicals are used to keep the tobacco plants healthy but can take a toll on your own health over an extended period of time.  You will find that there is no good way to get these pesticides out of your cigarettes, and that by ingesting them you can, over time, deplete your immune system's ability to heal itself.

You'll also find that ammonia is a common ingredient that is often added to your cigarette.  Ammonia is toxic, and you may recognize the scent very easily; it is a common ingredient for use in commercial cleansers.  For cigarettes, you'll find that ammonia is used to help the  nicotine get absorbed through your lungs more quickly.  You'll find that this can give your cigarette more of a punch, and your brain will be able to process a larger amount of nicotine with each puff.

You will also find that there are a number of chemicals that have been added to your store-bought cigarettes in order to improve the smell or to make them feel smoother when you smoke them.  For instance, cadmium, which is frequently used in paints, appears in cigarettes, but is commonly linked to lung and prostate cancer.  Similarly, benzene, which is linked to leukemia, and formaldehyde, which is linked to lung cancer, will appear as well.  Most of these chemicals have a preservative quality, giving the cigarettes a longer shelf life.

When you are considering what you can do to reduce your health risk when it comes to cigarettes, you will find that switching to hand-rolled cigarettes might be the key.  While many people feel that hand-rolling cigarettes is old-fashioned or too much trouble, you'll soon see that there are a number of reasons to roll your cigarettes. You'll be able to have more control over the finished product, and you'll find that you have a better understanding of smoking itself.  You'll find that the only way to really be sure about what you are smoking is to grow it and dry it yourself!

Tobacco Growing Made Easy

As the price of tobacco rises from year to year, it's getting increasingly tempting to just grow your own tobacco. Can't be that hard, right?

Fortunately, tobacco is one of the easiest crops to grow quality plants for. You can grow your own excellent-quality tobacco, wherever you live in the world. But you must have a guide to do it well.

You can get information on how to grow tobacco online with a quick search, and most of it is good information, often from agricultural colleges. But every old tobacco farmer will tell you that you can't get the most out of this plant without some very specialized help.

What seeds are best? What kind of soil is best, and what's the best thing to rotate it with? Can you grow tobacco indoors? How?

And then there are all the questions you don't even know to ask, like what suckering is and which bugs should be left alone, the feel of a good ripe tobacco leaf, and what the best places are to cure your tobacco on your own property – things that are not as simple as you might imagine.

Growing forums and online data also will not address things like rolling your own cigars using whole leaf tobacco, or how to prepare the tobacco to make the best burning cigarette. 

Tobacco Growing Made Easy answers all these questions and more. It's more than a growing guide for tobacco; it's a complete beginning-to-end tutorial showing you all the preparatory work for growing your own all the way to the end, learning how to cure, strip, and store your finished tobacco leaf. Imagine the money you'll save, growing your own tobacco; for that matter, the cash you can make on the side selling plug tobacco to your friends could offset the price of the guide and everything you used to grow the crop and then some. 

 No more expensive packs of cigarettes – now you can just do it yourself, bypass the taxes and hassle, and save tons of cash while growing your own quality smokes.

Why I Recommend This - Tobacco Growing Made Easy is the answer to growing your own quality tobacco at home. It covers everthing you will need and more. It's a very enjoyable read too which is good as it's the only product of it's type available.